Archive for Mei 2012
Mami Sasazaki (SCANDAL)
Mami Sasazaki's bio
Sasazaki Mami has the best guitar skills among the girls, and serves as The Lead guitarist in Scandal. She often amazes fans that come to see them live with her dexterity and skill with the electric guitar. She also appears serious and kind of dark on stage due to her long fringe and serious expression, but offstage, she becomes a direct opposite, displaying a very cheerful and upbeat personality. Also among the group, she’s also the biggest fan of Japanese Anime. In the vocals department, she has a very soft-punkish voice, and as a result whenever she has a solo part, you’ll know it’s her.
Tomomi Ogawa (SCANDAL)
Tomomi Ogawa's bio
TOMOMI, the bass and writer of majority of their songs. Like HARUNA, she also dreamed of becoming a dancer but rock n’ roll opened a new path. Her dancing skills can be observed while performing with her amazing and graceful movements despite the fact that she is carrying a huge bass. TOMOMI has a very sweet and kinda “chipmunky” voice that is easy to like, together with HARUNA, their voices becomes a very perfect combo. She’s also the one that usually leads in solo parts of their songs.
Haruna Ono (SCANDAL)
Haruna Ono's bio
HARUNA, the eldest among the group and also serves as the leader. A girl who had a passion for dancing and dreamed of becoming a dancer, but things changed when she met her co-members and eventually took on a rock n’ roll path. But the influence of dance stayed, the reason why some of their PV, choreography can be seen. HARUNA has the most powerful and deep voice that usually leads in their songs combined with the voices of the other 3 members.
Rina Suzuki (SCANDAL)
Rina Suzuki's bio
RINA, the youngest among the group and serves as the drummer. A girl that always has a smile painted on her face when performing – showing that performing and music is nothing but love. She’s also a cheerful and bubbly person as seen in their live interviews with the reactions she shows. Also among the 4 of them, she is the most active in their blog, making sure that fans is always updated to her and the group.
Indie Career
SCANDAL was formed in August 2006 by four high school girls. The girls, HARUNA, MAMI, TOMOMI, and RINA, met in an Osaka vocal and dance school called CALESS. Shortly thereafter, they started performing street lives every weekend at Shiroten in Osaka Castle Park. Soon, they started getting offers from clubs in Osaka and Kyoto.
SCANDAL signed with indie label Kitty Records and released three singles exclusive to Tower Records in 2008. The first, "Space Ranger", ranked #2 on the Tower indie charts and the other two, "Koi Moyou" and "Kagerou", ranked #1. In March, they embarked on the Japan Nite US tour 2008, touring six major cities in the United States. They also performed at Sakura-Con, one of the largest anime conventions in the United States. In July, they preformed in front of 10,000 people at France's Japan Expo and also at Hong Kong's Ani-Com in August. SCANDAL concluded their indie career with the release of their first mini-album, YAH! YAH! YAH! HELLO SCANDAL ~Maido! SCANDAL Desu! Yah Yah Yah!~.
Inilah Jalan Tol Antar Gedung Di Jepan
“Gate Tower Building”, gedung berlantai 16 di Osaka, Jepang ini terbilang unik karena adanya jalan tol yang menembusnya, tepat di lantai 5 hingga 7. Jalan tol yang menembusnya merupakan jaringan jalan tol sepanjang 293,3 km. Jalan tol ini adalah bagian dari “Hanshin Expressway”, jaringan jalan tol yang menghubungkan Osaka, Kobe dan Kyoto. Uniknya lagi, penyelenggara jalan tol tersebut merupakan penyewa tetap pada lantai 5 hingga 7 di gedung ini.
Pada tahun 1983, pembangunan gedung baru di area gedung unik berada dihentikan oleh pemerintah setempat, dikarenakan rencana pembangunan jalan tol sudah final. Namun, pemilik gedung ini menolak untuk menyerah, ia tidak mau memindahkan gedungnya. Setelah bernegosiasi dengan penyelenggara jalan tol selama 5 tahun, muncullah solusi ini.
Pemilik gedung menggunakan tiang penyangga ganda untuk melindungi gedung ini dari getaran, dan juga struktur melingkar di sekeliling bagian yang digunakan untuk ditembus jalan tol. Gedung ini selesai dibangun pada tahun 1992.
Penyangga Tol Sekaligus Pelindung gedung dari Getaran